PNL Co-chairperson Gorghiu asks for Public Finance Minister Darius Valcov's resignation

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES PHOTO

National Liberal Party (PNL) Co- Chairperson Alina Gorghiu in Timisoara on Saturday asked the resignation of Public Finance Minister Darius Valcov, arguing that the country's finance cannot be managed by a person suspected of corruption acts.

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES PHOTO

"From the jurist point of view, I respect the presumption of innocence, but, at the same time, as Romania's citizen, I believe we should, however, insist on the presumption of competence and credibility, which each member of a Cabinet ? Ponta today ? , must have (...) I believe that the country's finance cannot be managed by a person suspected of having committed corruption acts, even if he enjoys the presumption of innocence, which I respect," Gorghiu said.

The Liberals' leader quoted from the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) Report of 2013 that "it is essential for the credibility of a government that the persons with ministerial offices enjoy the public's confidence."

"Moreover, the Finance Minister is Romania's representative in the relations with the foreign creditors and I believe we cannot afford such a deficit of credibility when negotiating with the foreign partners. (...) I am asking Minister Darius Valcov the resignation. Not because I believe he is guilty, this is to be established by justice, but because it is not natural that in a serious democracy and state we have a minister suspected of corruption acts at the Finance Ministry and in front of the foreign partners," Alina Gorghiu said in Timisoara, where she attended a debate organised by PNL Timis on the topic of successful women in politics.

The National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) on Friday evening announced the decision to initiate the criminal prosecution...

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