This is called fascism
Political parties are the inalienable elements of democratic life.
The constitution guarantees their presence and the law gives them the right to promote their propaganda the way they want to.
The third article of the political parties law stipulates that political parties "will enable the formation of national will through open propaganda and the works in line with the views in their program."
The other day, members of Turkish Communist Party (TKP), who believe Turkey is a country of the rule of law and can freely use the rights given to them by law, hung a banner on their party building in Çanakkale.
"No to the thief, murderer and bigot," was written on the banner.
Hanging a banner on the party's building in cities and provinces is a way of using their right to open propaganda.
TKP members did so trusting the presence of the law.
The result: police raided the building and detained people inside the building.
While detaining them, the police tried to shut the mouths of those who tried to yell out slogans (which is also part of the open propaganda right) and hand-knuckled them down.
Where did the police get the authority? Probably on their own, because the law talks about the necessity for political parties to freely conduct their activities.
But Turkey is now a police state where the police see in itself the right to arbitrarily prevent political activities that can anger the political power.
The police have no such right. This is ignoring the constitution. This is an arbitrary ruling.
If there are acts within political parties' activities that might be considered criminal, then this is an issue to be tackled by a prosecutor not the police, governor or...
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