ANI Head Horia Georgescu, brought to DNA with warrant (sources)

Photo (c) Radu Tuta / AGERPRES PHOTO

National Integrity Agency (ANI) Head Horia Georgescu has been brought on Monday, with warrant, to the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) to be heard by prosecutors, judicial sources have told AGERPRES.

Photo (c) Radu Tuta / AGERPRES PHOTO

The same sources have informed that Georgescu will be heard in regards with the National Authority for Property Restoration (ANRP).

The ANI head did not make statements before entering the DNA headquarters. According to sources, his presence at DNA is related to a ANRP notification after Bica I case.

Horia Georgescu was a member, until 2010, of the Central Commission for Compensation Establishment. AGERPRES

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