Victimhood culture spawns Greek anti-Semitism, study finds

A Jewish woman prays in front of a wagon at the old railway station in Thessaloniki on March 15 during a commemoration ceremony marking the departure of the first train from Greece's northern city to the Auschwitz concentration camp on March 15, 1943.

By Harry van Versendaal

A large number of Greeks have limited awareness of the Holocaust or even hold anti-Semitic views, according to a new survey which traces the roots of attitudes to a strong sense of victimization among the public.

The same study found that prejudice or hatred against the Jews cuts across the country?s left-right political spectrum, which is similarly attributed to the fact that victimhood, the idea that Greeks have suffered without full responsibility for their misfortune, is a universal trait of the country?s political culture.

The survey, which was presented yesterday at the British Ambassador?s Residence in Athens under the title ?Perceptions about the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism in Greece,? was carried out by researchers at the University of Macedonia, Oxford University and the International Hellenic University with the support of the embassies of the United Kingdom, Canada and Romania.

Asked what the word ?Holocaust? brought to mind and presented with a choice of Auschwitz, Distomo, Zalongo/Arkadi and ?None of the above,? less than half of respondents opted for Auschwitz. An almost equal percentage chose either the 1944 Nazi massacre at Distomo or the mass suicide of Souli women at Zalongo in 1803 and the 1866 Ottoman raid at Arkadi. All alternatives to Auschwitz are related to Greek history. Almost 15 percent of respondents found no association between the Holocaust and any of the available options.

Less than 33 percent of respondents selected the correct answer when asked about the number of Jews estimated to have perished during World War II ? 6 million. The Greeks ranked lower than their European peers, with the exception of Germany. Almost 50 percent of French and 55 percent of Swiss came up with...

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