Interpol, Europol to Join Investigation on Murdered Boy Found in Suitcase

Photo: Bulgarian Interior Ministry

Interpol and Europol will assist the Bulgarian Interior Ministry in the investigation on the murdered baby boy, found in a suitcase near Bulgaria's Pasarel on Saturday.

The photo portrait of the child will be distributed to the police organizations that will provide the information to all member-states.

One of the reasons for that is that there is a probability that the child is not Bulgarian. The portrait of the boy was circulated by the Sofia Directorate to the Interior Ministry. The Police urges anyone who has information on the case to call emergency national number 112. The Sofia Police Office published photos of a suitcase and a towel similar to those in which the dead body has been found.

A number of signals regarding the murdered little boy have been received and police officers are working on all hypotheses. The press office announced, however, that most of them are unclear and unsustainable. According to sources close to the investigation, there is not a single message that could hint to a concrete proof of the identity of the boy.

The Chief Secretary of the Interior Ministry Georgi Kostov stated that not a single person has called saying that they know the boy.

According to criminal psychologists, the murderer is approximately 40-year old, wealthy and aggressive. Criminal investigators, on the other hand, believe that the criminal was a relative to the boy. It is possible that the person was his parent, as the child has not been reported missing, as announced by Pressa daily newspaper.

The other current hypothesis states that the child could have been visiting relatives, if his parents were not in the country.

Doctors who examined the body have stated that the child was suffocated to death. Additionally, scars...

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