Iohannis on Schengen accession in 2015: There are chances, but latest developments in Parliament don't help


President Klaus Iohannis believes there are chances, but not certainties on Romania's being accepted in the Schengen area this year, but underscores that "the latest developments in Parliament, in which certain requests have been rejected, don't (...) help at all."


"Romania has established this goal for a long time, only it didn't happen for various reasons related to the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism and other things. I have discussed these matters with important leaders I met over these 100 days and I can tell you I have a moderate optimism. There are chances, but not certainties, that these matters can be solved in the near future, however ? I must tell you there is a 'however' ? the latest developments in Parliament in which certain requests [of the judiciary] were rejected don't help us at all," Iohannis said on Tuesday on a press conference at the Cotroceni Palace.

When asked if he supported the lifting of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Romania, the head of state mentioned he had always supported this matter.

"I have discussed these things and in Brussels there already exists, with very many relevant figures, the conviction that the CVM must conclude during this mandate of the European Commission. It will be given up gradually (...) not at once, but in several stages and I am quite optimistic in this respect that this is how it will happen," the President said. AGERPRES

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