Komercijalna bank increases market share


Komercijalna bank increases market share

BELGRADE -- Komercijalna Banka (bank) AD Beograd "continued to successfully operate in 2014 and accomplished all its objectives set in the Strategy and Business Plan."

The bank reported an increase in volume of operations of RSD 42,5 billion or 12 percent, which provided it with a market share of approximately 13 percent.

"The realized profit amounts to RSD 4,8 billion and the retained earnings from previous years amount to RSD 2 billion. Therefore the Bank's shareholders, among which the majority being the Republic of Serbia, may dispose of the profit for distribution totaling RSD 6,8 billion, for the payment of dividends and for forming the reserves," the bank said in a statement.

It added that all this took place "with a view to enhancing the security of future business operations and raising the value of capital in the period of privatization of the bank."

"With all the parameters stipulated by the Law on Banks being met, return on share capital has been realized of 11,9 percent, return on total capital of 7,1percent and return on assets of 1,2 percent. The key indicator of security of business operations - capital adequacy, at the end of 2014 equals 17,7 percent," the bank said, adding that the prescribed minimum was 12 percent.

"The objective of the bank's management is to provide, in cooperation with the shareholders, an increase in the value of capital in the period prior to the privatization of the bank, which is planned for the year 2017. The results from the year 2014 confirm that we are well on track to achieve this goal," said the statement.

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