Military points finger at civilian authority for conduct in A?r?

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Saying it had been tasked by a civilian authority and its primary motive was not to conduct any military operation, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has denied accusations about its conduct in an incident that resulted in a deadly clash with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) in the eastern province of A?r?.

Brigadier General Ertu?rulgazi Özkürkçü stated on April 13 that the TSK had been conducting its duties and responsibilities as defined in the constitution, without becoming involved with any political views and formations. ?Whatever party our citizens, who we serve support or are members of does not and will not change our duties,? Özkürkçü said.

He said they had ?provided public security on the governor?s order,? after receiving notices from both intelligence units and tip-offs given to the A?r? Governor?s Office a few days before the incident. 

?Gendarmerie units - who are public order and law enforcement forces - were tasked with security measures at the ?Spring Festival,?? Özkürkçü said in an interview with the state-run Anadolu Agency. ?This preventive measure taken because of security has nothing to do with the Turkish Armed Forces. However ? the Gendarmerie didn?t go to the region to conduct an operation where the latest clash erupted.? 

?These kinds of measures have been implemented with the same level of rigor in similar activities in every corner of our country,? Özkürkçü added.

A telephone interview, even with a state-run news agency, is not the General Staff?s customary way of making public statements. Official statements are usually posted on the official webpage of the General Staff,

In a statement posted on its official site over the weekend, the TSK said five PKK militants...

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