Bulgaria Could Be Allocated EUR 160 M on Flood, Landslide Prevention

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Bulgaria could rely on EUR 160 M, which could be allocated under the EU Environment Operational Programme on flood and landslide prevention.

This was announced by the Deputy Environment Minister and former district governor of Sofia district Krasimir Zhivkov in an interview for private NOVA TV on Saturday.

According to Zhivkov, there are several mechanisms, such as the EU Solidarity Fund and local budgets, which could be used for the funding of projects on flood and landslide prevention.

The deputy minister said that municipalities could no longer justify the lack of preventive measures with insufficient funding.

Zhivkov assured that the term of incumbent Environment Minister Ivelina Vasileva constituted the first time when there was a massive campaign for the prevention of floods and landslides.

In his words, the responsibility for the natural disasters was shared between the state, the municipalities and the people.

He said that the mayors reacted promptly to the instructions of the minister concerning the preparation for possible new incidents.

Zhivkov stated that a total of 517 inspections had been carried out, which resulted in the issue of 370 instructions to mayors of municipalities and imposition of 76 fines for the inactivity of local administrations.

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