Gov’t non-paper: We won’t back down on specific issues

The government’s new non-paper clarifies that it will not be backing down from the “red lines” it has set. This declaration comes just a few hours after the leaks from the Financial team on measures concerning VAT, the 13th bonus pension, and cuts to auxiliary pensions.


According to the government, it will “insist on the lines it has set… Not only for political reasons, but social and financial reasoning”. The government clarifies that the matters it will not be backing down on are employment matters, reduction of pensions and salaries, the sale of public property, and VAT increases.


As stated, “the government doesn’t have the public’s mandate to reach a deal which will overcome these lines, so it will not be doing that. The government insists on a deal without the crimes of the past”.


At the same time, they mentioned the positive clime during today’s Brussels Group.


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