Man charged with making false statement in child's murder probe released

Authorities on Monday conditionally released a 70-year-old man charged with making a false statement to police according to which the 25-year-old mother of murdered toddler Ani Borisova had given her child to a friend to look after.

The 70-year-old, who has been banned from leaving the country, denied that he had been aware of the fate of the 4-year-old child who was killed, cut into pieces and boiled.

The child?s biological father, a 27-year-old drug addict, has been charged with her murder and is being detained in solitary confinement in a prison on Corfu.

As for his claims that the 25-year-old mother had given the child to a friend, the 70-year-old said he regretted them.

?That?s what he told me about the child, so that?s what I said,? he said, referring to the child?s father.

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