To Potami and PASOK poised to support deal

To Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis said Thursday that his party would back any agreement between the government and the institutions, while PASOK chief Evangelos Venizelos suggested that PASOK would be willing to be part of the coalition responsible for implementing this deal.

?The agreement that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras brings to Parliament will get To Potami?s votes,? Theodorakis said during an appearance on Skai TV. ?The country?s economy is dying. We need to give the patient oxygen first and sort out our differences afterwards.?

The leader of the centrist party also criticized the equivocal stance of New Democracy chief Antonis Samaras, who has so far been reluctant to state clearly whether his party will support a possible agreement. ?This kind of wishy-washy attitude is not for us,? said the ex-journalist.

Sources close to Samaras continued to suggest Thursday that the conservative party would not support the deal if it leads to a major rise in taxes.

PASOK leader Venizelos, however, appeared prepared to back any pact and to help implement the measures it contains. ?We need a government that is able not only to clinch the agreement but also to implement it,? he said. ?We also need a parliamentary majority that will be prepared to support such a national effort.?

Venizelos is due to step down next month, paving the way for a leadership election on June 14.

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