The winner loses all

As opposed to Graham Greene?s 1955 novella ?Loser Takes All,? in Turkey, six decades later, it appears that the ?winner loses all.? On the night of June 7, the winners will win again. All the same, as always, they will be tense ? probably even tenser than before. They will cheer victoriously but they will look pensive and unhappy. They will be angry, ready to pick a fight with any phantom that they imagine is their enemy. If they are forced into a fragile government they will start hunting the enemies within. 

In vain, they will keep trying to build a fake country: Sin-free and dry. They won?t find peace until they make the other half of Turkey exactly the same as the half they command, control, and manipulate with holy books in their hands and holy words in their mouths: Ostensibly sin-free, so boringly dry, and privately full of sin. 

?Having? one half of the country will not satisfy them, so long as the other half continues to smartly mock and passionately hate them. They know that they will look so miserably funny to one half of Turkey and probably the rest of the democratic world. They will remain the bad joke that they have always been, like a fountain constantly irrigating a pool of powerful black humor. They will get angrier. And look more amusing. Until they get even angrier. 

We in the not-so-dry half of the country will keep drinking to their health! We will smile and remind each other that Orson Wells was at least partly right when he said that ?Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it depended on popularity, Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate.? And we will laugh at the Turkish Muppets, carefully avoiding calling their leader Donald Duck in order not to insult their leader - or...

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