Local singer spots phone taping her while tanning in the nude, confronts suspect and snatches it

A local singer well-known for her blonde “bombshell” appearance throughout the late 1990s and next decade snatched a smart phone from a suspect that was allegedly videotaping her as she was nude in a tanning booth.

According to reports, the singer, known locally as Sabrina, told police that she heard the door to her tanning booth crack open, with a smart phone then barely appearing.

In a report filed with police in the central Athens district of Kallithea, where the tanning salon is located, the woman said she immediately jumped up, opened the booth door and confronted the man. No information on whether she managed to toss a towel around her or whether the attacked with an … Amazonian spirit.

What’s also noteworthy is the fact that the phone was later traced as belonging to a 34-year-old … police sentry!

Efforts to find the man whose phone was in Sabrina’s possession proved fruitless throughout most of Friday.

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