The perception of Islam

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an held an iftar dinner for prominent names from the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet). I have to say that I resented the fact that the head of Diyanet, Mehmet Görmez, came with the controversial luxury Mercedes and stop there.

At the dinner, former heads of Diyanet talked about religious education and the perception of religion in society.

Let me briefly recount what they said.

Tayyar Alt?kulaç: "There are not sufficient scholars on religious education. If the education on religion becomes so expanded, then the quality decreases. Post-graduate studies should be limited to faculties in Istanbul, Ankara and Bursa, which have a deep rooted tradition and efficient academic cadres.
The loss of quality in religious education is leading to serious problems about mentality."

Problems on religious education

Sait Yaz?c?o?lu: "We have youngsters that are affected by movements like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Radical trends are a big danger for the future of Islam. We need to take measures now before greater problems explode. Anyone talking about Islam needs to take to the forefront compassion, mercy and tolerance. The angry and otherizing rhetoric should be given up. The governments should endorse everybody. In the course of the past 13 years, the weakest area has been education. There is a deep quality problem."

Professor Yaz?c?o?lu, who was a parliamentarian during the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) reformist period, advised that the election results are read properly and that a more compromising rhetoric be endorsed.

Profile of a Muslim

Ali Bardako?lu: "We are fifty or so Islam countries. But we have not succeeded in putting a profile...

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