Tourism minister claims Greek crisis will not ruin a good vacation

Alternate Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura said “Greece continues to guarantee the high quality of services offered to visitors that have rendered it top international tourism destination”.

Kountoura, a former fashion model who was previously served as a deputy in the conservative New Democracy party, switched to the small populist, right-of-center anti-austerity Independent Greeks (AN.EL) party in 2012.

At the same time she stated that “the Greek tourism remains high on the tourists’ preference. The tourists that are currently in Greece as well as those that are going to come will not be at the least affected by the latest developments and can continue to enjoy their vacations in Greece without the slightest problem.”

On its part, Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism Ministry in an announcement on Monday stated “the restriction measures on the capital imposed by the Greek authorities do not refer to those who want to make transactions via ATM with credit or debit cards issued abroad” — it’s only the locals that are forced to get by on 60 euros per day.

Moreover, it underlined that there is sufficiency in fuel as well as in products and services that secure the smooth daily life of the tourists the cities, the regions and on the islands.

Whether such soothing words by the government types will prevent booking cancellations and less tourist arrivals remains to be tallied.

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