Clocks paused in Turkey for more than one second

Scientists added one second to the earth's time on June 30, 2015. This was because the earth lost one second rotating while the atomic clock has not lost anything. To catch up with the atomic clock, since they could not speed up the rotation of the earth, they added some time to the virtual time to synchronize with actual time.

Got it? Who are they? Why are they playing with time? Is this the end the world? 

It actually is. This is how the world will come to an end. I mean it; I'm serious. This slowing down of the rotation of the earth is one scenario for the end of the world. Add these one seconds to each other and as earth slows down, this planet will not be habitable (as if it is habitable now). There are signs of extinct humanity, especially in the Middle Eastern region of the earth. 

Anyway, these kind of scientific adjustments do not apply to Turkey, our beloved country, which has another clock. The same scientists, what they call the "Time Lords" of the world, cannot measure anything correctly when they are in Turkey. Time stopped here long time before the world's leap second adjustment on June 30. Clocks are not going forward but are going backward here, almost a second an hour.  

"There are consequences of tinkering with time," said Peter Whibberley, senior research scientist in the Time and Frequency group at the National Physical Library (NPL). 

Well said, sir, very well said. What a profound meaning this sentence has on us. Of course this senior scientist is speaking scientifically but I hear other facts echoed when I adapt this concept to Turkey. When time is tinkered with, yes, of course there are grave consequences. What a superb explanation of what has happened in Turkey. 

Whibberley also said, ...

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