Varoufakis is MP "no more"… What's next for the erratic Marxist? (pics + vid)

Greece’s charismatic Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis bows out of the Greek government marking the end of an important interlude in Greek politics. The master of “Game Theory”, famous for rolling up at number 10 Downing Street in a borrowed bouncer’s jacket, showing the finger to Germany and saying “WOW” when Eurogroup Chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem told him he just killed the troika is “no more”.

He’ll be sorely missed by many. After all, few people have got the guts to tell the world that what the EU is doing to Greece – in one word – is “terrorism”. Unable to restrain himself to the confines of diplomacy, he’s off the team and ready for his next endeavour.

We can only imagine what’s next for Greece’s sexiest man and gutsiest politician who people either love to hate or hate to love. So what’s next Mr. V?

* A new book – but of course! His book will soar to the top of any bestsellers lists even if its a dictionary on interpreting the notions of creative vagueness, like what it means you’ll resign if there’s a ‘yes’ to the referendum when you actually mean ‘no’.

* More blogging. Now that he’s no longer Greece’s FinMin he can get back to doing what he loves best and sharing his views – without the constraints of politics – with the world.

* Clearly, Varoufakis is more about theory than reality so he should return to academia where he clearly belongs. His tenure as FinMin where he put his game theory to practise have only added to his prestige and any top university from around the world would give an arm and a leg – two legs in some cases – to have him!

* He’s been flirting with Bitcoin since April 1 so there will definitely be a place for him there.

* He’s already presented a Channel 4 documentary and shows that he’s clearly got a flair for TV, so why not become a presenter? And we’re not talking local Greek television but international shows where we’ll see him grill the world’s top leaders in interviews.

* Here he is in the role of Superman…

* Fit and with fashion-savvy, if all else fails modeling could be an option. After all, he’s already been on the cover of so many magazines.

* Let’s not forget that finances are just one of his talents, Varoufakis is definitely a showman – Why not pursue a career in music? Send him to Eurovision as Greece’s entry and he’d probably win hands down?

* Considered a sex symbol by many, Varoufakis could definitely pursue a career as a gigolo but we don’t know what Danae Stratou would say.


German women are wild about Varoufakis…

* Maybe he should go back to wearing ties…


* One thing we should all expect from Varoufakis is the unexpected!

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