Historic Syriac church in Turkey's southeast for sale

A Syriac church dating back to the 4th century in Turkey?s southeastern province of Mardin, has been put for sale on a real estate website for 12.5 million Turkish Liras, while the institutions responsible ancient sites have remained mum on the situation.

Just a few days after a 700-year-old church with arches in the northwestern province of Bursa?s Mudanya district was put up for sale on the Internet, another advertisement was put up for the sale of Mardin?s Mor John Syriac Church. 

The Mor John Syriac Church, which is located on a narrow street just behind the city?s famous central Kuyumcular Çar??s? (Jewelry Bazaar), has stood in ruins since its construction in the fourth century. 

The around 1,700-year-old church, which is currently being used as a warehouse, is awaiting its new owner for 12.5 million liras. The ad states that it has a condominium deed, adding that there are graveyards of some patriarchs inside the premises of the church. 

Yusuf Kanak, the official of the intermediary firm that has put up the ad, said he could not share the details of the church?s owner, adding that he is sure the owner has a deed for the structure. 

Kanak says there are potential buyers who are interested in the property. However, not one is an official from the Culture Ministry nor any cultural and natural heritage preservation boards, he added. 

Meanwhile, Neslihan Özkan from the Diyarbak?r Regional Cultural and Natural Heritage Preservation Board said the structure falls in the General Directorate of Foundations? area of responsibility, as it has a deed. 

?Because the building is a historic structure, the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre may ask for our opinion when it is sold or the deed is...

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