Tanks on the streets of Athens, if Grexit happens says EU source

Greek newspaper Kathimerini tis Kyriakis reveals that the dreaded Grexit plan is sealed in a vault in the European Commission building in an special safety room, near President Jean-Claude Juncker’s office.

According to the Greek newspaper, the Grexit plan was drafted within a month by a 15-member European Commission task force and it outlines all possible outcomes and implications of a Grexit, including Greece leaving the European Union and the Schengen common border Treaty.

One of the members that worked on authoring the plan was devastated at the details it involved and he reportedly said that if the plan was to be implemented after Greece left the Eurozone “tanks would be heard on the streets of Athens”.

The article says the writing up of the plan started at the end of June, when the 2nd Greek bailout program ended, but the procedure was expedited after the referendum was announced by Greek PM Alexis Tsipras. Sources say this was the plan presented to Alexis Tsipras before the EU-19 Summit by an infuriated Juncker.

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