Suruç is yet another alarm bell

Scores of innocent people who volunteered to help the innocent victims of an inhumane war were blatantly murdered at Suruç, sending shock waves across the nation. The government was quick to blame Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants, while many people, headed by the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) executives, openly or covertly pointed at an intelligence deficiency, ignorance and even local security complacency, despite warnings from police headquarters of the probability of such heinous acts.

It of course would be a simplistic approach to say one who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind and imply that because of the alleged covert and overt abetting of Islamist terrorists under the Sunni solidarity obsession of the current Islamist clan ruling Turkey, the Turkish government was indeed responsible for the bloodshed. It is not sane at all to believe that a government, leave aside lunatic charges of helping out through various means, can indeed be engaged in premeditated ignorance that might produce something like the Suruç bloodbath.

Terrorism is a wild beast that sooner or later bites its owner. Was Turkey aiding and abetting the Islamist militants who have been mercilessly massacring innocent people ?in the good name of Islam?? That question is now irrelevant. This beast attacked Turkey many times. Those who have forgotten Reyhanl? perhaps should wake up and remember the beloved 51 people we lost, and the over 140 people wounded on May 11, 2013. What happened since then? If that is too old of a date and too difficult for some to recall, perhaps they may remember the carnage in Diyarbak?r on the last day of the June 7 parliamentary election campaign.

What happened? Did the security forces capture those who planted those two...

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