Dozens detained in anti-PKK raids across Turkey amid upsurge in violence

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As many as 54 suspects have been detained across Turkey in multiple anti-terror police operations against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), amid an upsurge in violence against security forces.

The police have launched a new series of anti-terror operations, while burial ceremonies for the three soldiers who died in a terrorist attack by the PKK in the southeastern province of ??rnak were held on Aug. 5. 

Mehmet Acar's funeral ceremony was held in the southern province of Osmaniye, while Abdulhalik Aras's was held in the eastern province of Van and that of Abdülkadir Pekta? in the Aegean province of ?zmir. 

Eleven suspects were detained in the eastern province of ??rnak on Aug. 5. Four of them were detained for committing violent acts related to the PKK over the death of a soldier in a terrorist attack in ??rnak's Silopi district on Aug. 4. 

Seven other suspects were detained in an anti-terror police operation in ??rnak's Uludere distirct on Aug. 5, the ??rnak Governor's Office said in a written statement.

In the Central Anatolian province of Konya late Aug. 4, five suspects, including two women, were detained in an anti-terror police operation against a PKK-linked youth organization in Konya's Selçuklu district. 

The Konya Police Department Counterterrorism Unit raided the Ronahi Democratic and Libertarian Student Association, a non-governmental organization in the Fatih I??klar neighborhood of Konya's Selçuklu district, which purportedly held activities on behalf of the PKK.

In the northeastern province of Kars, 16 suspects were detained in anti-terror operations in the Ka??zman district early Aug. 5 over terrorist acts in and around central...

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