GUIDE: Calendar for festivals to be held in the Black Sea region throughout the rest of summer 2015

From choosing the best local honey to dancing the traditional "horon," here is a guide to enjoying the festive summer season in the Black Sea region like locals do. 

As good as its honey: Anzer Festival

This festival is named after the famous Anzer honey of Turkey's northeastern province of Rize. The festival presents a wide range of activities from dance shows to a poesy competition, along with selecting the best beauties and honeys of Anzer. The festival was held the first weekend of August.

Tasting the best honey: Çamoluk Honey Festival

The famous Çamoluk Honey festival will be held in the Çamoluk district of the northeastern Giresun province. During the festival, the best honey will be selected and served to guests. In addition, a highland chief will be designated and local singers will perform as part of the event. The festival will be held Aug. 21. 

For the sports fans: Mount Pancar Festival 

The Mount Pancar festival is held in Artvin's Yusufeli province during the second weekend of August. Sports activities, folk dances and trekking will be the festival's primary attractions. It will be held on Aug. 9. 

Dancing the horon in high altitudes: Düzköy Festival

This festival is organized on the outskirts of the Ovit Pass, which links the Black Sea town of Rize with the eastern province of Erzurum. The festival has become a tradition over the years. It is famous for endless horon dances at an altitude of 2,640 meters. The festival withdraws large numbers of participants and will be held this year Aug. 6-8. 

Colorful and happy: Green Yayla Culture, Arts and Environment Festival

Organized by the Gola Culture, Arts and Ecology NGO, this is easily the most colorful...

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