AKP ignored election results: CHP deputy

C?HAN photo

The Justice and Development Party (AKP) has ignored the results of the June 7 election and Turkey, for first time in its political history, will go to early elections because parties failed to form a government, Republican People's Party (CHP) deputy chairman Haluk Koç  said on Aug. 25.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu could not show his will and was under the influence of President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Koç told reporters after his party meeting.

If Davuto?lu did not want an election government, then why did he not raise his voice when Erdo?an declined to give the mandate to form the government to the CHP, Koç asked.

"Davuto?lu is seeking a reason for his situation," he said.

Erdo?an did not give a mandate to the CHP, despite Davuto?lu's failure to form a collation government.  

Koç criticized Erdo?an for not obeying practices. "Violating practices mean violating democracy," he noted.

He reiterated the CHP will not be part of the interim government formed by the prime minister.

"We have no deputies that will show weakness by getting into the election government," he said.

Koç also said they would prefer Nov. 8 as the election date. His party would finalize the election process whenever the snap polls are scheduled, he added.

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