‘Greece all over’ Festival

The 1st “Ellada Pantou” (Greece all over) Festival will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on October 23-24 aiming to bring together Greeks abroad through cooperative initiatives in efforts to better promote the country and its products abroad.

The festival is held under the auspices of the culture ministry, the Embassy of Greece in Finland, and the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad.

The festival will enhance ties between the two countries, promote Greek products, services and culture, and pave the way for social entrepreneurship initiatives and collaborative projects in a social economy.

A workshop has been organized for October 23 at the European Commission’s Eurooppasali and on October 24 music and dance performances will be held at the historic Restaurant ‘Kaisaniemi in Helsinki celebrating 35 years of the Association of Finnish-Greek unions.

Songwriter Thomas Sopilidis from Greece will present the musical ‘Mama Ellas’ musical and Greek-Finnish band ‘Antama’ will entertain the audience.

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