ÇEKÜL is 25 years old

The ÇEKÜL Foundation, the Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage, is celebrating its 25th anniversary. We know ÇEKÜL for its extraordinary work in protecting cultural texture in Turkey.

Look what message Head of ÇEKÜL Professor Metin Sözen is saying their 25th year: ?Culture is the prerequisite of peace. The primary value in the protection of cultural heritage is peace. War destroys natural and cultural heritage. For this reason, policies prioritizing culture should be developed.? 

Sözen?s message should be noted by all political parties running for power. As a matter of fact, we are watching television news execrably how barbarian occupiers are destroying cultural assets and museums. We have read it and seen it throughout history. 

When you get to know Metin Sözen closely, you will notice a life dedicated to one ideal. There is no city he has not visited in Turkey; there is not a square centimeter he has not set foot on.

ÇEKÜL was founded in 1990 to protect Turkey?s natural and cultural heritage. It has representatives and hundreds of volunteers in 150 settlements. 

Its forestation project started in 1992 in Istanbul has spread to all cities of Turkey, with trees planted in all regions. ÇEKÜL?s slogan is ?We Exist through Nature and Culture?

All the works of ÇEKÜL are conducted at the national level; it has cooperated with several nongovernmental organizations. It has conducted many joint operations with the Association of Historical Town, which celebrated its 15th anniversary. 

With ÇEKÜL?s Wednesday Urban Meetings, numerous projects were conducted in cities and those which were planned have been discussed. Scientists, academics, architects and city planners...

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