What does the AKP manifesto say?
In the election manifesto of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) read out by Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, there are aspects to be applauded and others to be criticized, as in the manifestos of other parties.
I will criticize an aspect related to law that I see as dangerous. First, let me emphasize that all political parties are in a populist race. They are making plenty of pledges, but you cannot distribute bigger slices before making the cake bigger. We have not been able to clear the wreckage left over from the late Süleyman Demirel's "early retirement" populism introduced during the 1991 elections.
In the ruling party's election manifesto, there were of course very good expressions about law and justice. But there was this concrete declaration:
"In the top management of justice and with the formation of appeals courts, we will strengthen the role of the parliament, thus strengthening the social legitimacy of justice."
In administrative councils such as the Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), it is natural and necessary that parliament selects members with a qualified majority given that those members coming from the justice system constitute the majority in the court. Parliament of course selects members for the Constitutional Court, which reviews the laws passed by parliament. However, the expression that "the role of parliament will be strengthened with the formation of appeal courts" can never be accepted.
This is a dangerous tendency that even exceeds the concept of "majoritarian democracy."
Appeal courts such as the Supreme Court of Appeals (Yarg?tay) examine the verdicts of lower courts for their compliance with the law.
Will parliament select members for the Supreme...
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