CHP reveals 'documents' of collapsed PKK-gov't talks

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A leading figure from Turkey?s main opposition party displayed documents during a televised interview on Oct. 22 which he claimed to be identical to a protocol between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK).

The documents, also made public by Do?an News Agency, says the then-government promised to ease the release some alleged PKK members in addition to continuing talks and working on draft documents prepared by the jailed PKK leader, Abdullah Öcalan.  

?This is a protocol and the text of the accord between the AKP and the PKK,? Haluk Koç, the deputy leader of the Republican People?s Party (CHP), said on CNNTürk. 

The party had asked some 14 questions on the AKP-PKK talks but received no answers, he said. 

He was referring to dialogue between state officials and the PKK abroad between 2009 and 2011 in a series of meetings publicly known as the ?Oslo talks.? 

?This agreement text, consisting of a three-paragraph introduction and nine items, was also signed by the representatives of the adjudicator states and was archived at the adjudicator state,? Koç said. 

The introduction part of the document says the parties are determined to continue talks and take dialogue and negotiations as the core way to resolving the Kurdish issue within a spirit of democracy, human rights and justice. 

Both parties promised to finalize efforts ?within constitutional and legal framework.?

They also pledged to comment on three documents submitted by Öcalan. 

The document displayed by Koç addresses the PKK leader as ?Mr. Öcalan.?

The parties vowed to work on the names to be included in commissions that were to be founded as per Öcalan?s drafts,...

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