Bulgaria Chief Prosecutor Demands Arrest of MPs over Hooliganism

Volen Siderov, leader of Bulgaria's Ataka party. File photo, BGNES

Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tsatsarov has asked Parliament to allow that two nationalist MPs be detained over their actions a Sofia higher education institution on Friday.

Volen Siderov, who heads nationalist Ataka party, broke into the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts (NATFA) in downtown Sofia on October 24, disrupting evening classes of students and insulting them.

Prosecutors, who also back that version, allege he hit one of the students who was taking video footage of his actions by using her phone.

Siderov was accompanied by MP Desislav Chukolov, who also took part in a previous incident in the same street, in front of a liquor store.

However, the latest developments follow yet another episode starring Siderov, who rushed into NATFA's building late on Sunday evening, hours after local elections and a national referendum had taken place in Bulgaria.

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