Kosovo Islamic Body Accused of Tolerating Extremists

A round table that sought to raise awareness of traditional Islam vs. religious extremism in Kosovo saw harsh accusations made at the expense of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, the BIK.

The event was held by "Fol Tash" ("Speak Now"), a Kosovar media portal run by moderate Islamic theologians, researchers and imams, who seek to explain traditional Islamic values as opposed to the violent practices of organisations such as the Islamic State.

Most of the participants felt that Kosovo's official Islamic body had failed to prevent the growth of extremism and the emerging Wahhabist ideology backed by Saudi Arabian funds.

"Saudi Arabia has allocated more money for this ideology than it has for aid for the poor in countries with a Muslim majority, specifically the Saudi government and its NGOs, which are state-controlled," Bekim Jashari, editor of "Fol Tash", said.

More than 200 fighters from Kosovo have reportedly joined the ranks of ISIS and Al Nusra in Syria and Iraq. Around 40 hardliners, including imams and alleged former fighters, are being tried in courts following a crackdown on suspected groups and individuals from autumn 2014 to spring 2015.

Jashari said the Saudi religious ideology known as Wahhabism or Salafism is intrinsically intolerant and does not allow for either moderation or respect towards other beliefs.

His colleague, Zuhdi Hajzeri, an imam from the city of Peja and editor of the website, mentioned some of the features of extremist adherents.

"They pray differently, dress differently and are intolerant to other Islamic schools? The main problem is the Wahhabist, extremist, radical ideology", he said.

"Not jihad through war, but jihad through the pen is what we need," he noted, explaining the common...

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