Flambouraris takes the moral high ground in response to corruption reports

Scandal-hit State Minister Alekos Flambouraris spoke of “mud-raking” in response to criticism concerning foul play in a barrage of revelations by the media concerning a conflict of interest in his role as MP and key shareholder of a private construction company – Diatmisi S.A. – he failed to declare in his assets statement to Greek parliament. The Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government, rather than investigate Flambouraris, is quashing reports concerning his numerous activities of dubious legality, such as his entry into the Municipality of Aegina’s debt settlement in 100 instalments despite his evident affluence and funds worth 2 million euros.

On his part, Flambouraris responds with the following point form statements:

1. “I was a political engineer and businessman prior to SYRIZA’s rise to governance but has no relation with Diatmisi S.A. since January 26, 2015. ”

– Of course, proof of his name on contracts and other declarations cast a shadow over this claim.

2. “My assets data has always been available to any one who is interested.”

– The Tax Office has not intervened with a data check despite media reports and documents brought to light by Proto Thema concerning a pubilc works contract signed by Flambouraris as shareholder of Diatmisi SA worth 3.9 mln euros for the Peloponnese region.

3. “The Municipality of Aegina has dealt with me as any municipal resident. The Municipality itself responded to the unsubstantiated publications.”

– It still remains to be explained why hundreds of other residents with problems far more pressing than those of the affluent minister have yet to be satisfied in their requests for similar settlements.

4. “I never entered the 100 debt settlement of the ‘Valavani Law’ as they continue to wrongfully claim. I had entered the 12 installment settlement (of Samaras) for debts to the Public Sector, and I paid each installment.”

He admits to having entered a settlement plan offered to citizens who had problems making their payments even though his company had a fund of reserves worth 2 mln euros.

5. “I don’t know what else they are preparing and it does not concern me. I repeat that the publications that are wrong and unsubstantiated do not affect me.”

– Taking the moral high ground rather than agreeing to an investigation into the corruptions allegations is a far easier avenue for SYRIZA that is hushing up on the issue.


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