As the CHP goes to congress

As expected, the results of the Nov.1 election started the congress debates for the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP).

And that's normal. No matter how much the fate of this election was determined by Devlet Bahçeli, the leader of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), it was clear that the outcome would most affect the CHP.

Had the CHP reached 30 percent after the elections, we would not have witnessed these debates.

Now what is important is for the CHP to proceed with these two-three months without huge conflicts and maintain the success it registered in the course of these past two years in avoiding to give the image of a party constantly bickering.

On the contrary, the CHP must finish this process by producing hope. 

K?l?çdaro?lu's promises

The CHP suspended the normal congress process due to the Nov. 1 elections. Yet 12 provinces had concluded their congresses. In the remaining provinces, one-third of the congresses on the district level were concluded. There were congresses done even on Sunday and congresses in three provinces will be concluded this month. The processes in all provinces and districts will be finished before New Year's Eve.

Some members, including Umut Oran, who is among the candidates to lead the party, asked for an extraordinary congress. But it is clear that due to the party's rules it will be difficult to hold an extraordinary congress, even if the necessary number of signatures is gathered.

The reason why the opposition wants an extraordinary congress stems from the probability that the party's headquarters might use its influence over the newly-elected delegates.

I have talked about this issue to the CHP administration. But let me just tell what the...

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