Bulgarian MPs to Hold Hearing on Police Force Protests

A Bulgarian parliament commission will hold a hearing of top Interior Ministry officials about last week's protests by members of police force on Tuesday.

A sitting of the Home Security and Public Order Commission  is scheduled to start at 3 p.m.(1300 GMT).

Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova and Interior Ministry Chief Secretary Georgi Kostov are expected to report to the MPs on the latest developments following Sunday's decision to withdraw planned cuts in the social benefits of Interior Ministry employees that had sparked protests across the country.

Interior Ministry employees, including members of the police force, prison guards and firefighters, have threatened to protest again on Thursday despite Bachvarova's pledge that the Interior Ministry will put on hold the planned cuts in social benefits until an agreement is reached with trade unions.

The protests were triggered by a decision of Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov to include cuts to the social benefits package of employees of the Interior Ministry and Defence Ministry in the 2016 draft budget just before the government approved the document on October 30.

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