Panousis: I was thrown to the wolves

Giannis Panousis referred implicitly to Justice Minister Nikos Paraskevopoulos, members of SYRIZA and media supporting the government while talking to Parliament’s Institutions and Transparency Committee claiming that he was victimized.

“It is known that I was threatened. But, even if it wasn’t known, it has now become evident following Tsakalos latest statement. It is not possible others to judge the risk of life. I heard the Ministers of Justice and Public Order saying there is no threat.” Mr. Panousis said.

“Their claims for fiction and James Bond movies could not be supported and shortly after that the government filed a lawsuit arguing that there is a national security issue. They first accuse me on fiction and then they sue me for national security,” he said adding that the documents included in the lawsuit filed are false.

“I managed personal life threats in a way I thought it was the correct one. When it first came up I asked the commander of Greek intelligence service to inform the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice. Nothing happened. They tell me why I did not do anything back then. But think about it, Minister of public order sues prisoners and political figures! If a lawsuit had to been filed, this should have been made by the Minister of Justice or the Prime Minister. ”

“Suddenly I appear to inspect prisons and the cells of the terrorist organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” he said adding that “This had never happened. I asked the Minister of Justice to refute it, but he didn’t do it. I was thrown to the wolves,”.

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