The life and times of the female suicide bomber of Saint Denis (vid)

Hasna Ait Boulahcen, aged 26, detonated her explosive vest at Saint Denis on Wednesday, going down in history as the first female suicide terrorist operating in Europe. A video, obtained by the ABC, appears to have been shot from the building across the street where the explosion took place.

Those watching nearby say that the last words she uttered were, “Help me! Help me!” It is hard to know who she was directing her comments to as she blew herself to smitherines, violently dying as her head and spine blew out to the street below.

Recruited by her cousin Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected mastermind of the Paris killings, the young woman had been rejected by those who feared her change from flashy western-styled girl who enjoyed wearing cowboy hat attire to a Niqab-clad suicide bomber.

Reports gathered by people who knew her state that her life was filled with turbulence and had grown up in foster care. Considered a wild child, she was the ever hard-drinking, cigarette-smoking party girl rebel.

In an exclusive with Daily Mail, her brother Youssouf Ait Boulahcen said that “she was living in her own world. She was not interested in studying her religion. I never saw her open the Koran. She was permanently on her phone, looking at Facebook or WhatsApp.
‘I told her to stop all of this but she would not listen, she ignored my numerous attempts to give her advice telling me I was not her dad, or her husband, and so I should leave her alone……tell her to have a better attitude, to be more easy-going about her strict dress code.” He says that he is haunted by his last interaction with his sister.

She returned a call he had made to her on Sunday at 7 p.m. and sounded, according to her brother, that she had given up on life. He rushed over to check up on her but did not get an answer.

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