Ankara calls for 'provocative' acts in security forces to be punished

After a series of recent controversial incidents, Ankara has sent a communique to the security directors of all 81 provinces across Turkey, stating that "provocateur" policemen damaging the image of the security forces should be punished. 

The statement said the performing, recording and posting of provocative acts such as "dragging bodies, publishing images of the bodies of suicide bombers, swearing from inside armored vehicles, and chanting racist slogans" should be punished. In the event of such cases, the authorities should henceforth immediately launch investigations into all personnel who act unprofessionally.

In recent months a series of incidents have provoked public backlashes against the security forces. Images were posted on social media showing the naked body of an outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) member Kevser Eltürk, as well as the dragging of the dead body of PKK member Hac? Lokman Birlik, the brother-in-law of HDP ??rnak deputy Leyla Birlik, tied to the back of an armored vehicle in a street in ??rnak province. In addition, footage emerged of Special Forces officers firing into the air and chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) while returning from an operation, as well as pictures of Turkish nationalist graffiti written on walls after anti-PKK operations in Silvan.

Investigations should be conducted and disciplinary penalties should be imposed on all police officers who commit such acts, the state communique said.

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