Aziz Nesin's birthday to be celebrated in ?zmir, Istanbul

Writer, intellectual and humorist Aziz Nesin, who died in 1995, will be remembered on his 100th birthday with a series of events in ?zmir and a charity event in Istanbul The ?zmir Metropolitan Municipality has organized a festival for the 100th anniversary of late writer, intellectual and humorist Aziz Nesin's birth, while events will also take place in Istanbul to mark the occasion. 

As part of the ?zmir Humor Festival, to be organized from Dec. 18 to 20, humorists of various branches of art will come together. 

The opening of the event will be held on Dec. 18 at the Ahmed Adnan Saygun Arts Center with a panel titled "Marko Pa?a'dan Ayd?nlar Dilekçesi'ne" (From Marko Pasha to the Petition of Intellectuals). 

Moderated by festival consultant Vecdi Sayar, the panel will host ?nci Aral, Turgut Kazan, Bülent Tan?k, ?lhan Tekeli and Erbil Tu?alp, who were the first to sign the Petition of Intellectuals, which was issued under the leadership of Nesin in 1984. Those intellectuals who signed the petition and forwarded it to the presidency and parliament in 1984 were declared "treacherous" by Kenan Evren, the president of the period and the leader of the 1980 coup, and were subjected to legal action.

The second panel, titled the "Children of the Nesin Foundation," will be moderated by ?zmir parliamentarian Zeynep Alt?ok Akatl?. It will present photos by ?sa Çelik and tell the establishment story of the Nesin Foundation. Later on, the managers of the foundation, Süleyman Cihangiro?lu and Özgün Dündar Cihangiro?lu, and students Aliye Ecem ?ahin, Umut Ba?er and Nesli?ah Kahraman will speak about their memories with Nesin and the works of the foundation. 

After the panel, the exhibition titled "Ömrüne S??mayan Adam: Aziz...

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