The issue of tolerating criticism

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu said, "We should overcome artificial tensions and move over to constructive criticisms," adding that he asked for appointments from opposition parties to discuss the new constitution and reforms for parliamentary internal regulations.  

No doubt this is a positive attitude.

Turkey is facing very serious problems; the southeast of the country is burning; people have had to abandon their houses. We have problems with our neighbors as war is continuing on our doorstep. To solve all the problems, everybody should be able to talk with each other. 

The political tension that has been continuing for years must be abandoned; a civilized environment of debate must be adopted.

But, before anything else, it is necessary that one should be tolerant about criticism. Until now, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has not fared well on the issue of tolerating criticisms. Every criticism was perceived as "a show of animosity." The efforts to create a one-voice media environment are an extension of this. 

The first political actor that will be able to create a "constructive environment of criticism" suggested by the prime minister is, for this reason, the government. What makes a criticism constructive is nothing more than that the addressee listens and takes into consideration the concerns stated in the criticism.

The mentality of "I am the majority, I will do whatever I wish, the way I want to," should be abandoned and one should become a "pluralist." 

It is up to the prime minister himself to create the environment he wants. 

Betrayal, traitor and constructive criticism 

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, who has asked for appointments from party leaders to...

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