Trump anti-Clinton smear video brings up Monica Lewinsky

AP photo

Donald Trump dredged up a photo of Monica Lewinsky in a 15-second video montage Jan. 7, as the Republican presidential frontrunner stepped up his personal attack on his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

The clip, posted on Trump's Instagram account, showed a succession of pictures, among them one of former U.S. President Bill Clinton standing beside Lewinsky, the White House intern with whom he had an extramarital affair in the late 1990s.

The next shot shows a New York tabloid featuring Bill Clinton's face and the headline "Liar, Liar," after the then-president admitted he had carried out an "inappropriate" relationship.

Hillary Clinton's voice plays over the clip, during which the former first lady, senator and secretary of state is heard proclaiming: "Women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights, once and for all.    
 "Let's keep fighting for opportunity and dignity."
The video also shows photos of Hillary Clinton standing beside disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, who quit the House of Representatives after becoming caught up in a notorious sexting scandal, and features her with fallen comedian Bill Cosby, who is embroiled in allegations that he sexually assaulted women.

The clip concludes with a screen of text ironically declaring Clinton a "true defender of women's rights."
On Jan. 3, Hillary Clinton was heckled by a Republican state representative in New Hampshire about her husband's alleged sex scandals.  

"You are very rude," she snapped back.

Trump, a billionaire real-estate mogul, has sought to exploit Bill Clinton and his infidelities, calling the former president "fair game" while blasting his "terrible record" with women.
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