Grabbing and groping 'Western women'
How the hell did they find their way from Istanbul's Taksim Square to Cologne, Germany, this New Year's Eve?
I am talking about the deplorable situation of those primitive crowds, the mass molesters? We have quite a lot of them here and, now, it seems we have succeeded in exporting them to certain big cities in Europe.
What we have experienced all our lives, as modern Turkish women, that awfully shameful phenomenon; the one that we have developed so many defensive tactics and shields against, the one that has wounded our souls and made our characters rather bitter and our faces sullen; this sour feature of our society; I now see that cities of Europe are being infected by the same illness? The unknowing European women, in this recent case, the poor women of Cologne, have been given a dose of this unacceptable, unbearable, inhuman, horrific, life-shaking malady.
We, here, first came across them in masses (We have come across them individually at all times, in all dimensions, on all the streets of Istanbul) in 2006. It was, again, a New Year's Eve and just like in Cologne, they attacked and harassed women who were having fun at the popular square of my beloved city, Taksim Square.
The Taksim mass harassments were shameful, horrific, dishonorable, unexplainable? It was a shocking behavior of hillbillies, probably from the ghettos of the city, uneducated and unemployed men, acting with mob psychology?
Then, as typical Turks, we forgot the incident. However, the event repeated itself the next year. Turkish women stopped going to Taksim Square. Only a few unknowing tourists were wondering the square innocently and they found themselves almost mass raped. I cannot forget the image of a Far Eastern looking woman climbing...
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