At least 7 in 10 Greeks view Katrougalos’ social security measures as a ‘mistake’
Private TV station SKAI’s poll, conducted by the University of Macedonia, shows that seven in 10 Greek citizens are dissatisfied with the policies of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government and its junior partner Independent Greeks (ANEL). 85% of those questioned said that they were dissatisfied, whereas only 6.5% agree with the government’s policies.
71.5% of SYRIZA party voters stated dissatisfaction regarding the government’s policies whereas only 16% agree. At the same time, there is a 12 unit point difference in the popularity between Alexis Tsipras and main New Democracy opposition party leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
Analytically, the conservative opposition leader is ahead with 30.5% popularity, followed by Tsipras at 23% and Union of Centrists leader Vasilis Levendis with Greek Communist Party (KKE) leader Dimitris Koutsoumbas coming in fourth at 22%.
73.5% of citizens are opposed to the government’s stand on social security with 59% of SYRIZA voters considering it wrong.
Asked whether the government was moving in the right direction, 80.5% responded negatively whereas just 11% believed that the government was correct in its moves. 62% of SYRIZA supporters said that the government was moving in the wrong direction.
Leftist Avgi gives SYRIZA 8.1% lead
Leftist Avgi newspaper found different results according to its poll, conducting by Bridging Europe. The poll showed an 8.1-unit lead for SYRIZA.
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