Crises in emerging markets and China give frightening signals

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Concerns have raised in the world economy as emerging countries see huge capital outflows and economic slowdown with the end of liquidity partyThe global economy entered 2016 with the image of weak recovery in developed countries. However, the weak and fragile outlook in emerging countries, of which Turkey is one, particularly with the economic slowdown, scares everybody. Some are arguing that the world economy is about to enter a crisis worse than the major global one in 2008. 

Frightening recession 

The global economy is experiencing the effects of the new state of U.S. monetary policy and the slowdown of the Chinese economy. The moderate recovery outlook in developed economies is not regarded as very soothing. In those raw material and energy (commodity) producer/exporter countries and in those countries which have strong ties with China, growth has slowed down and fragilities have increased. The slowing in the growth of "emerging economies," also called "southern countries," is becoming more visible every day and the global economy looks as if it is now facing a crisis at the "periphery" before the "center" can heal its wounds. It is estimated that the world economy grew 3 percent in 2015. This is not a very satisfying result. This result was due to the slowing down of the economies of several countries, primarily China, the deterioration of certain basic economic indicators of the U.S. in the first half of the year and increasing geopolitical risks. The low-course of oil and commodity prices as of mid-2014 supported the growth of developed economies but slowed down the growth of commodity-exporting countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) must have wished to keep its optimism when it revised its world growth forecast to 3.1...

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