Kammenos managed finally to land on Kos to visit hotspot (pics + vid)

Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader/Defence Minister Panos Kammenos was restricted from landing on the island of Kos where dozens of people are protesting at different parts of the island against the refugee crisis. But, he finally managed to land on a different location away from the protesters and despite the reactions of the residents.

Kammenos’ party, a junior partner of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government, decided to visit the island however areas around the site of Nikos Kantarzis’ property, proposed as a hot spot for the isle of Kos has been closed off.

Sources from the local site, Kostoday, state that Kammenos was scheduled to land at the Ippokratis airport before deciding to fly to Kos with an army Chinook helicopter. He flew over the district and then flew to the isle of Leros to avoid the angered citizens of the island. “The minister, from what I know, did not land on the island,” said Kos Mayor George Kiritsis, speaking to protothema.gr.

Island residents were at key junctions whereas police vans and army trucks had closed off the road leading to the property.

Villagers of Linopoti gathered after receiving information that the minister would pass through. There were episodes around the island with the police as people rallied to show their anger. There was use of chemicals and tear gas to disperse them.

Earlier, the riot squad had arrived with a C130 flight so as to “lay the groundwork” for the minister’s visit.

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