Activist becomes symbol of Turkey's Green Artvin Association

For days we have been holding our breath waiting for the resistance at Cerattepe, Artvin to yield results. The positive news we got the other day halting the mine construction work certainly relieved us all. 

I recently spoke to Green Artvin Association head Ne?e Karahan, who has become a symbol of the struggle. I congratulated her. "You staged an extraordinary resistance and protected your habitat. You won a great victory at Cerattepe," I said.

"We don't call it a victory yet. We regard it as a positive step," she replied.

"Why? Haven't the mining activities been halted until a legal solution has been reached?"  

"Yes, but there are still many security forces in Artvin. Security forces from seven provinces have been sent into Artvin. For the tension to ease, we want them to be withdrawn immediately. We are also expecting the company's heavy machinery and equipment to leave Cerattepe. So the halting of work is positive but it isn't enough."

I asked about Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu's attitude on the issue. 

"We requested to see the prime minister and he received us. It was very positive. It was constructive. We think he has been misinformed. We told him this. We explained that such mining activity would damage the region. We told him that this was a vital struggle for the people of Artvin. But the meeting alone does not mean they have finally given up on building this mine. We want the total abandonment of the project and we will resist until we achieve this," Karahan said.

I asked her about why this resistance was so important for Artvin. 

"Artvin is a part of world heritage. It has a special ecosystem. It is sad that they say there are plenty of trees in the area and they can plant 100 for...

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