A Greek among the Oscar winners (pics+vid)

Benjamin Cleary, who wrote, directed and edited the “Stutterer”, accepted the award with producers Serena Armitage and Shan Christopher Ogilvie, and Greek-Australian director of photography Michael Paleodimos.

Paleodimos was born on October 1, 1984, in Athens and when he was 17 years old he moved to London to study clinical biochemistry. Until then, he was an amateur photographer, but when he returned to Greece to perform his military service, he started cooperating with some Greek magazines, such as Nitro and Esquire.

But, he returned to London, since his girlfriend was staying there. In London, he started working in a production company, Pulse Films London, where he worked on video clips and participated in the production of video clips for famous artists and bands, such as Bjork and Coldplay.

Then, he decided to create his own production company and he met director Benjamin Cleary. Together they decided to create their first short film which won the golden statuette.


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