Trustees appointed to Zaman media group

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A trustee panel has been appointed to a media group considered to be linked to U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who the Turkish president accuses of heading a "terrorist organization" aiming to topple the government.

The trustees entered the headquarter of Feza Gazatecilik Media group - which  includes Turkish Cihan News Agency, Today's Zaman and Zaman dailies, Aksiyon magazine along with Zaman Kitap - under police supervision.

The Istanbul 6th Criminal Court of Peace ordered Feza Gazetecilik, a media group that publishes dailies Zaman and Today's Zaman, to be placed under a trustee panel on March 4 upon a directive by the prosecutor's office in Istanbul. 

Gülen is accused by leading figures from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and lawmakers from his inner circle of forming and heading a terrorist organization to topple the Turkish government, with the U.S.-based cleric's alleged followers working as insiders in the police and other state institutions.

State-run Anadolu Agency reported that employees of the daily gathered outside the Zaman office building in Istanbul's Yenibosna neighborhood, along with a large group who rushed to the scene in support. Many gathered outside waved placards reading "Free Press Cannot Be Silenced."

Police dispersed the group later on March 4. 

The move drew immediate reactions from press organizations and lawmakers, as well as journalism advocate organizations abroad.

Zaman Editor-in-Chief Abdülhamit Bilici was removed by the board of trustees from his post.
Police did not let Bilici enter the building on March 5. 

He said democracy would continue and vowed that "free media would not be silenced."

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