Boost your confidence with a 3D nude selfie (pics)

Firebox has launched Nudee, a service that uses ‘some very futuristic 3D-print technology’ to ‘carve every crevice of your delicate dome’ and place it on one of the six almost naked body types.

By sending two top quality photos, front and side views of your head, and paying $213.09, you will receive a 7.8 inch figurine that has your face mounted on it, Daily Mail reports.

‘Using some very futuristic 3D print technology our eagle eyed sculptors will carve every crevice of your delicate dome and merge it onto one of our six extreme beautiful (almost) naked body types,’ Firebox says in its product description.

There are three different models for both men and women, from curvy to muscular to slim, allowing customers to find their perfect fit.

Although having a small, almost nude, model of yourself decorating your home might be sound quite weird or narcissistic, Firebox believes it can actually boost your confidence.

‘With Nudee’s you can confidently show off your classy curves, your massive muscles, or your thin thighs without having to undo a button.’

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