Desperate refugees and immigrants waiting in cold and muddy Idomeni

The refugees and immigrants spent another night in the rain and cold in Idomeni, since intense rainfalls have turned the area into a mudflat and many of the tents set up in the farmlands around the camp are flooded.

Greece-FYROM buffer zone remains closed, while the living conditions are terrible with no food nor dry place to sleep over. Moreover, the unhygienic conditions put the health of the refugees in risk. Every day, ill infants and children are transferred to the nearby hospital, while many pregnant women had miscarriages due to the stress, malnutrition and the bad living conditions. The situation is out of control and members of volunteer organizations that are helping the refugees fear that violent incidents might break out.

More than 13,000 refugees and immigrants are waiting the borders to open so as to continue their journey to northern Europe. According to FYROM media, though, authorities of the neighboring country will finalize the closing of their border following the decision of Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia to not allow refugees and immigrants to pass through their territory.

Thousands of refugees continue to arrive in Piraeus port from Greek islands. On Tuesday, 1,330 people reached Piraeus, while more than 3,000 people are staying at the passenger terminals of the port and, according to data provided by Alternate Minister for Migration Yannis Mouzalas, about 36,000 refugees and immigrants are currently in Greece. However, local authorities, volunteers and NGOs talk about more than 40,000 stranded people in Greece.

In the meantime, an article published on Spiegel website claims that the Greek government decided to immediately evacuate Idomeni and transfer the refugees and immigrants to new refugee reception centers.

The article also claims that Greece has now accepted the new situation that thousands of refugees will not be able to continue their journey to western Europe and points out that Alexis Tsipras government has been preparing 15 new hotspots to host 17,400 people.

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