Our ancestors had sex with Neandarthals, study shows

Neanderthals may not have been as lucky as our human ancestors in the long run, but that doesn’t mean the two subspecies didn’t get lucky.
Scientists have discovered that Homo sapiens — that’s us — made more babies with archaic humanlike species than initially thought. That sexual history has left a mark on the human genome, possibly influencing our immune systems and metabolism, according to a new study published in the journal of Science.
Scientists analyzed the genetic information of more than 1,500 people from all around the world and determined that ancestors of modern humans interbred with Neanderthals and Denisovans.
They learned that some Asians, Europeans and even the Melanesians of Papua New Guinea had Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry.
The study confirms early theories that our human ancestors interbred with other hominins after they left Africa more than 50,000 years ago.

This study gives scientists new clues about the archaic DNA that may have influenced traits in modern humans.

Source: CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2016/03/19/us/neanderthal-human-interbred-irpt/index.html

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