14 Greek students put in EU building cafe for safety reasons (photos+video)

14 Greek senior high school students and their two escorts from Evritania, who were visiting the EU Parliament building in Brussels on an excursion, have been transferred to a cafeteria on the promises for their safety by Belgian authorities. Also accompanying the students was a camera operator from a local TV ‘Star Lamia’, while two Greek MEPs, Nikos Androulakis and Thodoris Zagorakis have also been taken to the cafeteria. According to sources, the group is trapped in the EU parliament building until the conditions are safer for their transfer outside the building. The camera operator of ‘Star Lamia TV’ told Proto Thema that the security measures are draconian with large numbers of military and police forces surrounding the building. The students’ afternoon schedule has been canceled and they are waiting for instructions as to when they will return to Greece.   

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